Prof. Dr. Christian Zirpins
Former Research Assistant
zirpins@acm.org | |
Fax | +49-40-42883-2328 |
WWW | http://www.zirpins.de |
Own Theses
Tutor: Winfried Lamersdorf | |
Diploma Thesis
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![]() | Study Thesis
Supervisor: Winfried Lamersdorf |
Publications 10 of 26 (+ more)all of 26 (- less)
2014 | ![]() | Georg Feuerlicht, Winfried Lamersdorf, Guadelupe Ortiz, Christian Zirpins
In: Service-oriented Computing: ICSOC 2015 Workshops |
2012 | ![]() | Georg Feuerlicht, Winfried Lamersdorf, Guadelupe Ortiz, Christian Zirpins
In: Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2011 Workshops |
2011 | Georg Feuerlicht, Winfried Lamersdorf, Guadelupe Ortiz, Christian Zirpins
In: ICSOC 2010 International Workshops | |
2007 | ![]() |
In: IADIS International Conference, e-Society 2007, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-6 July 2007 |
![]() | D. Georgakopoulos, Norbert Ritter, B. Benatallah, Christian Zirpins, Georg Feuerlicht, M. Schoenherr, H. R. Motahari-Nezhad
In: Service-Oriented Computing ICSOC 2006 | |
2006 | ![]() | Jen-Yao Chung, Georg Feuerlicht, Winfried Lamersdorf, Christian Zirpins
In: Computer Systems Science & Engineering |
2005 | ![]() | Christian Zirpins, Guadelupe Ortiz, Winfried Lamersdorf, Wolfgang Emmerich
In: IBM Report RC23821 |
Christian Zirpins, Winfried Lamersdorf, Giacomo Piccinelli, Anthony Finkelstein
In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science | ||
2004 |
In: Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC04), November 15-18, 2004, New York City, NY, USA | |
In: PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation | ||
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Christian Zirpins, Winfried Lamersdorf, Giacomo Piccinelli
In: IFIP International Conference on Digital Communities in a Networked Society: eCommerce, eBusiness, and eGovernment (I3E) 2003 | ||
In: Second European Workshop on Object Orientation and Web Service (EOOWS), Oslo, Norway, 14 June, 2003 | ||
Matthias Ferdinand, Christian Zirpins, D. Trastour
In: Web Engineering - 4th International Conference, ICWE 2004, Munich, Germany, July 26-30, 2004, Proceedings | ||
Christian Zirpins, Giacomo Piccinelli
In: IFIP International Conference on Digital Communities in a Networked Society: eCommerce, eBusiness, and eGovernment (I3E) 2004 | ||
2003 |
In: First European Workshop on Object Orientation and Web Service (EOOWS), Darmstadt, Germany, 21 July 2003 | |
In: e-Society 2003 | ||
Giacomo Piccinelli, Christian Zirpins, Winfried Lamersdorf
In: 2003 Symposium on Applications and the Internet Workshops (SAINT 2003 Workshops) | ||
![]() | Giacomo Piccinelli, Christian Zirpins, Clare Gryce
In: Proc. IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE-2003), June 9-11, 2003, University of Linz, Linz, Austria | |
2002 | Giacomo Piccinelli, Wolfgang Emmerich, Christian Zirpins, Kevin Schütt
In: Proc. 6th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC2002) | |
![]() | Christian Zirpins, Kevin Schütt, Giacomo Piccinelli
In: Web Engineering and Peer-to-Peer Computing, NETWORKING 2002 Workshops, Pisa, Italy, May 19-24, 2002, Revised Papers | |
![]() | Christian Zirpins, Giacomo Piccinelli
In: 26th International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2002), Prolonging Software Life: Development and Redevelopment, 26-29 August 2002, Oxford, England, Proceedings | |
2001 | Andreas Bartelt, D. Faensen, L. Faulstich, E. Schallehn, Christian Zirpins
In: DELOS Workshop on Interoperability in Digital Libraries | |
In: Informatik 2001 - Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft in der Network Economy | ||
In: 12th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications | ||
Giacomo Piccinelli, Mathias Sallé, Christian Zirpins
In: Proc. IEEE 10th International Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WET ICE 2001), June 20-22 2001, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA | ||
In: Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS) |
Supervised Theses 10 of 14 (+ more)all of 14 (- less)
2005 | Study Thesis of Olaf Gregor
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Study Thesis of Benjamin Kirchheim
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![]() | Study Thesis of Heiko Adam
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2004 | Diploma Thesis of Thomas Plümpe, Henning Brandt
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Study Thesis of Robertino Solanas
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Diploma Thesis of Jewgeni Kravets
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Diploma Thesis of Olaf Fischer, Bernhard Wenzel
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2003 | Diploma Thesis of Sven Offermann
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Diploma Thesis of Andre Schmidt
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Diploma Thesis of Kevin Schütt
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Diploma Thesis of Matthias Ferdinand
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2002 | Diploma Thesis of Sonja Hoyer
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Study Thesis of Kevin Schütt
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2001 | Diploma Thesis of Kay Kröger
Internal Lectures 10 of 46 (+ more)all of 46 (- less)
Oberseminar Verteilte Systeme und Informationssysteme (SS 2007) |
21.06.2007 Interaktionsorientierte Komposition virtueller Dienstleistungsprozesse |
21.06.2007 Interaktionsorientierte Komposition virtueller Dienstleistungsprozesse |
Oberseminar Verteilte Systeme und Informationssysteme (SS 2006) |
04.05.2006 Towards Service-Oriented Design & Development of Interaction Procedures for Virtual Organizations |
Oberseminar Verteilte Systeme und Informationssysteme (SS 2004) |
13.05.2004 Kurzvorstellung des geplanten DFG-Antrags |
13.05.2004 Kurzvorstellung des geplanten DFG-Antrags |
Praktikum Internet-Werkzeuge (SS 2004) |
21.04.2004 JavaScript |
28.04.2004 HTML und PHP |
05.05.2004 PHP und MySQL |
12.05.2004 JSP und Taglibs |
09.06.2004 Sockets |
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23.06.2004 Applets und JNLP |
30.06.2004 RMI I |
07.07.2004 RMI II |
Seminar Neue Konzepte Anwendungsorientierter Middleware (SAM) (SS 2003) |
07.04.2003 Vorbesprechung, Einführung Slides |
14.04.2003 Themenvergabe Slides |
Seminar E-Services (WS 2002/2003) |
21.10.2002 Vorbesprechung, Terminvergabe, Einführung Aktualisierte Slides vom 28.10 |
11.12.2002 Berichte aus dem Forschungsprojekt FRESCO |
Oberseminar Verteilte Systeme und Informationssysteme (SS 2002) |
16.05.2002 Das HP-Kooperationsprojekt FRESCO |
16.05.2002 Das HP-Kooperationsprojekt FRESCO |
Seminar E-Commerce-Systeme (SS 2002) |
10.04.2002 Einführung durch die Veranstalter und Themenvergabe |
Projektseminar Konzeption und Realisierung verteilter Systeme (PROSA) (SS 2002) |
04.04.2002 Eröffnungstermin Überblick, Teilnehmerregistrierung, Thematische Einführung in Sicherheitstechniken, Webservices und Collaborative Peer-to-Peer Systeme |
Seminar Verteilte Softwarekomponenten (WS 2001/2002) |
24.10.2001 Einführung und Themenvergabe |
Übungen Großübung zu P3 (WS 2001/2002) |
11.12.2001 Vorstellung des vierten Übungsblattes |
08.01.2002 Vorstellung des fünften Übungsblattes |
22.01.2002 Vorstellung des sechsten Übungsblattes |
Projektseminar Realisierung Verteilter Systeme (ProSA) (SS 2001) |
02.04.2001 Eröffnungsveranstaltung Überblick, Teilnehmerregistrierung, Accountvergabe, Themenvorstellung/-vergabe |
09.07.2001 Abschlussveranstaltung Zusammenfassung, Resumee, Ausblick |
Projekt Konstruktion verteilter Systeme (WS 2000/2001) |
23.10.2000 Eröffnungsveranstaltung |
Seminar Virtuelle Informationsräume (WS 2000/2001) |
25.10.2000 Vorstellung und Vergabe der Themen |
Oberseminar Verteilte Systeme (SS 2000) |
04.05.2000 GlobalInfo-Gibraltar: Information-Brokerage mit dem PublicationPORTAL |
Praktikum Internet-Werkzeuge (SS 2000) |
05.04.2000 Platzvergabe, Gruppeneinteilung, Accounts, Einführung Thema: Grundlagen von HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) |
12.04.2000 Formulare, CGI aus Client - Sicht Client-Server-Modell, CGI |
19.04.2000 DHTML |
26.04.2000 CGI aus Server - Sicht Einführung in PHP4 |
03.05.2000 MySQL und PHP4 |
10.05.2000 Gestaltung von WWW-Informationssystemen und weitere Bearbeitung der vorherigen Aufgabe |
17.05.2000 Java Grundlagen der Objektorientierten Programmierung von Applikationen mit Java |
24.05.2000 Java AWT, Events |
31.05.2000 Java Applets Zusätzlich: Event Handling im Java AWT und die Klasse Vector |
07.06.2000 JDBC, Datenstrukturen in Java Zusätzlich: Exception Handling |
21.06.2000 Fortführen der letzten Aufgabe (JDBC) |
28.06.2000 Client-/Server-Programmierung mit Java 1. Java I/O: Streams 2. Netzwerkgrundlagen: TCI/IP-Sockets |
05.07.2000 Fortführung der letzten Aufgabe Vortrag: Java Threads |
12.07.2000 Abschlußveranstaltung Abnahme der letzten Aufgaben, Scheinvergabe, Feedback |
Oberseminar Verteilte Systeme (SS 1999) |
10.06.1999 Modelle für Softwarekomponenten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung temporal-logischer Semantiken |
Oberseminar Verteilte Systeme (WS 1998/1999) |
28.01.1999 Aggregationsfähige Komponentenmodelle unter Berücksichtigung typisierter temporaler Semantiken |
Debug Info for generation of "last modified"persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | person2attribute_52 (2004-12-16 19:23:00) | textFragments_de_336 (2004-12-16 19:23:00) | person2attribute_52 (2007-05-04 12:36:00) | textFragments_de_189 (2007-05-04 12:36:00) | projects_1 (2005-03-01 12:31:00) | projects_2 (2011-05-19 18:16:00) | projects_3 (2005-03-01 12:35:00) | projects_4 (2011-05-19 18:29:00) | projects_5 (2011-05-19 17:30:00) | projects_6 (2011-05-19 18:15:00) | projects_8 (2005-03-01 12:35:00) | projects_9 (2013-05-24 13:07:00) | projects_10 (2009-05-08 15:31:00) | projects_11 (2013-05-24 13:07:00) | projects_13 (2005-03-01 12:35:00) | projects_14 (2009-05-08 15:34:00) | projects_15 (2005-03-01 12:35:00) | projects_16 (2013-05-24 13:07:00) | projects_17 (2005-03-01 12:35:00) | projects_18 (2013-05-24 13:07:00) | projects_20 (2005-03-01 12:35:00) | projects_21 (2005-03-01 12:35:00) | projects_22 (2013-01-19 00:06:00) | projects_23 (2005-03-01 12:35:00) | projects_24 (2005-03-01 12:35:00) | projects_25 (2013-05-24 13:07:00) | projects_26 (2013-08-08 12:47:00) | projects_27 (2024-10-08 11:46:39) | projects_28 (2013-05-24 13:07:00) | projects_29 (2013-05-24 13:07:00) | projects_33 (2013-05-24 13:07:00) | projects_34 (2013-05-24 13:07:00) | projects_35 (2011-05-19 18:12:00) | projects_36 (2009-04-08 12:04:00) | projects_37 (2011-05-18 16:13:00) | projects_38 (2007-07-26 13:19:00) | projects_39 (2011-09-27 15:04:00) | projects_40 (2011-05-19 17:30:00) | projects_41 (2018-07-18 17:52:07) | projects_42 (2011-12-12 16:23:00) | projects_43 (2009-07-20 13:23:00) | projects_44 (2024-10-08 11:52:57) | projects_45 (2013-06-19 19:15:00) | projects_48 (2015-08-16 11:47:37) | projects_49 (2024-10-08 11:46:39) | projects_50 (2016-01-06 14:36:34) | projects_51 (2013-06-14 16:38:00) | projects_52 (2013-06-17 17:23:00) | projects_53 (2022-09-11 14:53:34) | projects_54 (2015-07-09 12:11:52) | projects_55 (2014-10-20 18:51:00) | projects_56 (2015-05-29 15:04:01) | projects_57 (2022-09-11 14:53:34) | projects_60 (2019-07-09 13:46:03) | projects_62 (2017-08-08 08:43:06) | projects_63 (2017-04-24 15:11:16) | projects_64 (2024-10-08 11:20:19) | projects_65 (2020-04-15 14:36:48) | projects_66 (2021-02-27 04:03:24) | projects_67 (2021-03-25 14:26:01) | projects_68 (2021-05-20 15:19:36) | person2project_1_6 (2004-12-16 19:26:13) | persons_1 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | person2project_3_6 (2004-12-16 19:26:13) | persons_3 (2005-04-18 11:50:00) | person2project_4_6 (2004-12-16 19:26:13) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | person2project_5_6 (2004-12-16 19:26:13) | persons_5 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | person2project_20_6 (2004-12-16 19:26:13) | persons_20 (2012-09-12 13:48:00) | person2project_29_6 (2004-12-16 19:26:13) | persons_29 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | 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(2007-05-29 15:28:00) | person2project_3_16 (2006-03-15 11:27:26) | persons_3 (2005-04-18 11:50:00) | person2project_4_16 (2006-03-15 11:27:26) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | person2project_52_16 (2006-03-15 11:27:26) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | person2project_63_16 (2006-03-15 11:27:26) | persons_63 (2005-04-18 11:51:00) | person2project_78_16 (2006-03-15 11:27:26) | persons_78 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | person2project_80_16 (2006-03-15 11:27:26) | persons_80 (2014-09-29 19:06:00) | persons_80 (2016-07-02 17:20:24) | persons_80 (2023-02-01 12:28:54) | person2project_84_16 (2006-03-15 11:27:26) | persons_84 (2007-05-29 15:28:00) | person2project_4_22 (2004-12-16 19:26:13) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | person2project_52_22 (2004-12-16 19:26:13) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_3 (2005-04-18 11:50:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_3 (2005-04-18 11:50:00) | persons_6 (2005-02-22 10:01:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_20 (2012-09-12 13:48:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_78 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_515 (2005-06-22 16:58:00) | persons_560 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_78 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_166 (2009-10-17 23:30:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_78 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_561 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_562 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_563 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_191 (2005-06-22 17:05:00) | persons_515 (2005-06-22 16:58:00) | persons_567 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_191 (2005-06-22 17:05:00) | persons_515 (2005-06-22 16:58:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_515 (2005-06-22 16:58:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_515 (2005-06-22 16:58:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_515 (2005-06-22 16:58:00) | persons_570 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_36 (2006-01-10 11:14:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_36 (2006-01-10 11:14:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_515 (2005-06-22 16:58:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_515 (2005-06-22 16:58:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_216 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_595 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_36 (2006-01-10 11:14:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_515 (2005-06-22 16:58:00) | persons_598 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_567 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_807 (2012-06-14 17:35:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_925 (2007-01-16 15:38:00) | persons_964 (2007-05-04 12:59:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_925 (2007-01-16 15:38:00) | persons_1008 (2007-10-26 15:00:00) | persons_1009 (2007-10-26 15:00:00) | persons_1011 (2007-10-26 15:00:00) | persons_1012 (2007-10-26 15:00:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_807 (2012-06-14 17:35:00) | persons_925 (2007-01-16 15:38:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_807 (2012-06-14 17:35:00) | persons_925 (2007-01-16 15:38:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_807 (2012-06-14 17:35:00) | persons_925 (2007-01-16 15:38:00) | persons_73 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_99 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_100 (2005-06-22 17:05:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_101 (2005-06-22 16:58:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_100 (2005-06-22 17:05:00) | persons_256 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_101 (2005-06-22 16:58:00) | persons_256 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_136 (2005-06-22 16:58:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_177 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_185 (2007-03-26 19:07:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_191 (2005-06-22 17:05:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_191 (2005-06-22 17:05:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_195 (2005-11-07 17:46:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_216 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_221 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_221 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_627 (2004-12-22 14:17:00) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_226 (2005-06-22 16:58:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_227 (2005-06-22 16:58:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_258 (2007-07-05 14:48:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_259 (2006-11-30 14:53:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_52 (2007-11-15 11:44:00) | persons_52 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06)
8. October 2024 at 11:52 by Prof. Dr. Winfried LamersdorfCALL getCollectionFull('members/look','vsys',52,0)