Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Renz
Koordinaten | |
Raum | F510 |
Telefon | +49-40-42883-2339 |
WWW | |
Veröffentlichungen 10 von 48 (+ mehr)alle 48 (- weniger)
2015 | Tim Dethlefs, Thomas Preisler, Wolfgang Renz
In: SmartER Europe | |
2014 | Tim Dethlefs, Thomas Preisler, Wolfgang Renz
In: Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), 2014 Federated Conference on | |
Tim Dethlefs, Dirk Beewen, Wolfgang Renz, Thomas Preisler
In: EnviroInfo Conference | ||
2013 |
In: Sustainability and Collaboration in Supply Chain Management: A Comprehensive Insight into Current Management Approaches | |
In: Workshop on Self-organising, adaptive, and context-sensitive distributed systems (SACS 2013) | ||
2012 |
In: Information and Software Technology | |
In: 6th International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems and Simulation (MAS&S) | ||
In: 1st International Workshop on Evaluation of Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems | ||
2011 |
In: 11th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS 2011) | |
In: 17th GI/ITG Conference on Communication in Distributed Systems (KiVS 2011) | ||
⇓ Klicken Sie hier für 38 weitere Zeilen ⇓ | ||
In: Agent Oriented Software Engineering X: State-of-the-Art Survey | ||
2010 | Francoise Andre, Ivona Brandic, Erwan Daubert, Guillaume Gauvrit, Maurizio Giordano, Gabor Kecskemeti, Attila Kertesz, Claudia Di Napoli, Zsolt Nemeth, Jean-Louis Pazat, Harald Psaier, Wolfgang Renz, Jan Sudeikat
In: Service Research Challenges and Solutions for the Future Internet: S-Cube Towards Engineering, Managing and Adapting Service-Based Systems | |
In: Strategic Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications | ||
Landenfeld, Karin, Thomas Preisler, Wolfgang Renz, Peter Salchow
In: Proceedings of the 15th SEFI Conference on Mathematical Education of Engineers | ||
In: Self-Organizing Architectures | ||
Jan Sudeikat, Jan-Philipp Steghöfer, Hella Seebach, Wolfgang Renz, Thomas Preisler, Peter Salchow, Wolfgang Reif
In: Proceedings of The Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations Federated Workshops (MALLOW 2010) | ||
In: International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications | ||
Jan Sudeikat, Jan-Philipp Steghöfer, Hella Seebach, Wolfgang Reif, Wolfgang Renz, Thomas Preisler, Peter Salchow
In: Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science | ||
In: Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science | ||
In: Electronic Communications of the EASST | ||
Gregor Balthasar, Jan Sudeikat, Wolfgang Renz
In: Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence | ||
2009 | Gregor Balthasar, Jan Sudeikat, Wolfgang Renz
In: Programming Multi-Agent Systems, 6th International Workshop, ProMAS 2008, Estoril, Portugal, May 13, 2008. Revised Invited and Selected Papers | |
In: Second International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization | ||
Jan Sudeikat, Martin Randles, Wolfgang Renz, A. Taleb-Bendiab
In: Communications of SIWN | ||
In: Communications of SIWN | ||
In: Proceedings of KIVS 2009 - Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen | ||
In: Proceedings des Workshops über Selbstorganisierende, adaptive, kontextsensitive verteilte Systeme (KIVS 2009) | ||
In: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence | ||
In: 3rd International Conference in Sef-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems | ||
In: 8th Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009) | ||
Gregor Balthasar, Jan Sudeikat, Wolfgang Renz
In: Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems 2009 | ||
2008 |
In: Application of Complex Adaptive System | |
In: Communications of SIWN | ||
S. Buckl, Florian Matthes, Wolfgang Renz, C. M. Schweda, Jan Sudeikat
In: Fachtagung Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme (MobIS2008) | ||
In: Hamburg International Conference on Logistics 2008: Logistics Networks and Nodes | ||
In: Organised Adaptation in Multi-Agent Systems, First International Workshop, OAMAS 2008, Estoril Portugal, MAy 2008 Revised and Invited Papers | ||
In: 9th International Workshop on Agent Oriented Software Engineering | ||
In: Proceedings of Engineering Environment-Mediated Multiagent Systems (EEMMAS07) | ||
2007 |
In: Tagungsband zum Workshop Selbstorganisierende, Adaptive, Kontextsensitive verteilte Systeme (SAKS 07) | |
In: System and Information Science Notes | ||
In: Proceedings of the 5th International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems | ||
In: KI - Künstliche Intelligenz | ||
In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems | ||
2006 |
In: International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications | |
In: KI - Zeitschrift fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz | ||
In: Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 7th International Workshop AOSE 2006 | ||
2005 |
In: Procs. Third German Conference on Multi-Agent System TEchnologieS (MATES-2005) | |
In: The 3rd International Workshop on Engineering Self-Organising Applications (ESOA'05) |
Betreute studentische Arbeiten
2017 | Dissertation von Thomas Preisler
| |
2013 | Dissertation von Ante Vilenica
| |
2011 | Diplomarbeit von Christopher Haubeck
| |
2010 | Diplomarbeit von Daniel Heinemann
| |
Dissertation von Jan Sudeikat
Interne Vorträge 10 von 20 (+ mehr)alle 20 (- weniger)
Vorlesung Adaptive verteilte Systeme (SS 2013) |
04.04.2013 Einführung: Begriffe - Anwendungen |
11.04.2013 Introduction to Coordination in MAS: Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving, Contract Net, Task&Result Sharing |
18.04.2013 Coordination: PGP, JPG, Mutual Modeling, Social Norms - Spieltheorie: Pay-Off, Nash, Dilemmas, Axelrod's Turnier |
25.04.2013 Binäres Voting, Auktionen, Verhandlungen |
02.05.2013 Einführung in die Bionic Selbstorganisierender Systeme, die Emergenz und Adaption zeigen |
16.05.2013 Coordination auf Basis von Bionic, Antnet, SwarmLinda, Co-fields, TOTA |
30.05.2013 Engineering dezentraler Koordination: Taxonomie, Klassifikationen und Entwurfsmuster |
06.06.2013 Emergent Misbehavior, Methodology, SPEM |
13.06.2013 Ursache-Wirkungs-Diagramme (CLDs), Stock and Flow-Diagramme, Werkzeuge |
20.06.2013 Requirements and Analysis: Eingineering using CLDs |
⇓ Klicken Sie hier für 10 weitere Zeilen ⇓ |
27.06.2013 System Dynamics (ODEs), Stochastic Simulations (Stochastic PI Calculus) |
04.07.2013 Stochastic Simulations (ctd.), Bifurcations |
11.07.2013 Autonomic Computing, Organic Computing, SO in SE |
Seminar Multiagentensysteme und Selbstorganisation (SS 2010) |
02.06.2010 Doppelstunde zum Thema Selbstorgansation |
Vorlesung Agentenbasierte und serviceorientierte Systeme (SS 2010) |
02.06.2010 SO: Einführung in die Selbstorganisation (Doppeltermin) |
Vorlesung Koordination, Kooperation und Selbstorganisation in Verteilten Systemen (WS 2008/2009) |
01.12.2008 Dezentrale Koordinationsmechanismen (DCM) |
08.12.2008 Taxonomie und Klassifikation selbstorganisierender Multiagentensysteme (SO-MAS) |
15.12.2008 Software Engineering-Prozesse für SO-MAS |
05.01.2009 System Dynamics, CLD (Causal Loop Diagrams), SFD (Stock & Flow Diagrams) |
12.01.2009 SO-MAS Engineering using CLD in Requirement and Analysis |
Debug Info for generation of "last modified"persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | person2attribute_731 (2008-10-14 10:05:00) | textFragments_de_256 (2008-10-14 10:05:00) | person2attribute_731 (2008-10-14 10:05:00) | textFragments_de_257 (2008-10-14 10:05:00) | person2attribute_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | textFragments_de_259 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | projects_1 (2005-03-01 12:31:00) | projects_2 (2011-05-19 18:16:00) | projects_3 (2005-03-01 12:35:00) | projects_4 (2011-05-19 18:29:00) | projects_5 (2011-05-19 17:30:00) | projects_6 (2011-05-19 18:15:00) | projects_8 (2005-03-01 12:35:00) | projects_9 (2013-05-24 13:07:00) | projects_10 (2009-05-08 15:31:00) | projects_11 (2013-05-24 13:07:00) | projects_13 (2005-03-01 12:35:00) | projects_14 (2009-05-08 15:34:00) | projects_15 (2005-03-01 12:35:00) | projects_16 (2013-05-24 13:07:00) | projects_17 (2005-03-01 12:35:00) | projects_18 (2013-05-24 13:07:00) | projects_20 (2005-03-01 12:35:00) | projects_21 (2005-03-01 12:35:00) | 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12:11:52) | projects_55 (2014-10-20 18:51:00) | projects_56 (2015-05-29 15:04:01) | projects_57 (2022-09-11 14:53:34) | projects_60 (2019-07-09 13:46:03) | projects_62 (2017-08-08 08:43:06) | projects_63 (2017-04-24 15:11:16) | projects_64 (2023-10-16 12:16:04) | projects_65 (2020-04-15 14:36:48) | projects_66 (2021-02-27 04:03:24) | projects_67 (2021-03-25 14:26:01) | projects_68 (2021-05-20 15:19:36) | person2project_4_41 (2012-07-23 17:15:13) | person2project_4_41 (2018-02-13 16:07:19) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | person2project_80_41 (2012-07-23 17:15:13) | persons_80 (2014-09-29 19:06:00) | persons_80 (2016-07-02 17:20:24) | persons_80 (2023-02-01 12:28:54) | person2project_84_41 (2012-07-23 17:15:13) | persons_84 (2007-05-29 15:28:00) | person2project_243_41 (2012-07-23 17:15:13) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | person2project_697_41 (2012-07-23 17:15:13) | persons_697 (2014-01-03 17:01:00) | person2project_731_41 (2012-07-23 17:15:13) | person2project_731_41 (2018-02-13 16:07:19) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | person2project_890_41 (2012-07-23 17:15:13) | person2project_890_41 (2018-02-13 16:07:19) | persons_890 (2012-10-18 15:24:00) | persons_890 (2019-12-20 18:01:40) | persons_890 (2023-02-01 12:28:54) | person2project_974_41 (2018-02-13 16:07:19) | persons_974 (2013-05-13 10:05:00) | persons_974 (2016-07-02 17:18:06) | persons_974 (2019-03-14 16:27:01) | persons_974 (2019-03-14 16:28:39) | person2project_1305_41 (2012-07-23 17:15:13) | person2project_1305_41 (2018-02-13 16:07:19) | persons_1305 (2013-12-09 17:43:00) | persons_1305 (2017-12-15 09:13:18) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_1062 (2008-03-22 01:35:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_80 (2014-09-29 19:06:00) | persons_80 (2016-07-02 17:20:24) | persons_80 (2023-02-01 12:28:54) | persons_84 (2007-05-29 15:28:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_80 (2014-09-29 19:06:00) | persons_80 (2016-07-02 17:20:24) | persons_80 (2023-02-01 12:28:54) | persons_84 (2007-05-29 15:28:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_556 (2012-06-14 17:29:00) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_1149 (2009-01-07 15:34:00) | persons_1151 (2009-01-07 15:34:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_1159 (2009-02-28 00:25:00) | persons_1160 (2009-02-28 00:25:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_697 (2014-01-03 17:01:00) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_1062 (2008-03-22 01:35:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_1062 (2008-03-22 01:35:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_1302 (2010-05-15 20:58:00) | persons_1304 (2010-05-15 20:58:00) | persons_1305 (2013-12-09 17:43:00) | persons_1305 (2017-12-15 09:13:18) | persons_1306 (2010-05-15 20:58:00) | persons_1635 (2013-03-05 16:19:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_1302 (2010-05-15 20:58:00) | persons_1304 (2010-05-15 20:58:00) | persons_1305 (2013-12-09 17:43:00) | persons_1305 (2017-12-15 09:13:18) | persons_1306 (2010-05-15 20:58:00) | persons_1635 (2013-03-05 16:19:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_697 (2014-01-03 17:01:00) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_1357 (2010-11-18 12:55:00) | persons_1358 (2010-11-18 12:55:00) | persons_1359 (2010-11-18 12:55:00) | persons_1360 (2010-11-18 12:55:00) | persons_1361 (2010-11-18 12:55:00) | persons_1362 (2010-11-18 12:55:00) | persons_1363 (2010-11-18 12:55:00) | persons_1364 (2010-11-18 12:55:00) | persons_1365 (2010-11-18 12:55:00) | persons_1366 (2010-11-18 12:55:00) | persons_1367 (2010-11-18 12:55:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_697 (2014-01-03 17:01:00) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_854 (2012-09-12 13:45:00) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_1305 (2013-12-09 17:43:00) | persons_1305 (2017-12-15 09:13:18) | persons_697 (2014-01-03 17:01:00) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_1305 (2013-12-09 17:43:00) | persons_1305 (2017-12-15 09:13:18) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_1305 (2013-12-09 17:43:00) | persons_1305 (2017-12-15 09:13:18) | persons_1306 (2010-05-15 20:58:00) | persons_1634 (2013-03-05 16:10:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_1305 (2013-12-09 17:43:00) | persons_1305 (2017-12-15 09:13:18) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_1302 (2010-05-15 20:58:00) | persons_1304 (2010-05-15 20:58:00) | persons_1305 (2013-12-09 17:43:00) | persons_1305 (2017-12-15 09:13:18) | persons_1635 (2013-03-05 16:19:00) | persons_697 (2014-01-03 17:01:00) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_1305 (2013-12-09 17:43:00) | persons_1305 (2017-12-15 09:13:18) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_1305 (2013-12-09 17:43:00) | persons_1305 (2017-12-15 09:13:18) | persons_2227 (2017-12-15 09:18:52) | persons_2228 (2017-12-15 09:19:15) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_1305 (2013-12-09 17:43:00) | persons_1305 (2017-12-15 09:13:18) | persons_2227 (2017-12-15 09:18:52) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_1305 (2013-12-09 17:43:00) | persons_1305 (2017-12-15 09:13:18) | persons_2227 (2017-12-15 09:18:52) | persons_771 (2010-07-14 17:36:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_697 (2014-01-03 17:01:00) | persons_771 (2010-07-14 17:36:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_771 (2010-07-14 17:36:00) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_697 (2014-01-03 17:01:00) | persons_771 (2010-07-14 17:36:00) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_243 (2011-04-27 15:58:00) | persons_243 (2018-07-18 17:44:47) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_890 (2012-10-18 15:24:00) | persons_890 (2019-12-20 18:01:40) | persons_890 (2023-02-01 12:28:54) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_697 (2014-01-03 17:01:00) | persons_890 (2012-10-18 15:24:00) | persons_890 (2019-12-20 18:01:40) | persons_890 (2023-02-01 12:28:54) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_697 (2014-01-03 17:01:00) | persons_697 (2014-01-03 17:01:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_697 (2014-01-03 17:01:00) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_1305 (2013-12-09 17:43:00) | persons_1305 (2017-12-15 09:13:18) | persons_731 (2013-01-23 23:26:00) | persons_1305 (2013-12-09 17:43:00) | persons_1305 (2017-12-15 09:13:18) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06)
Am 16. October 2023 um 12:16 von Prof. Dr. Winfried LamersdorfCALL getCollectionFull('members/look','vsis',731,0)