Dipl.-Inf. Martin Husemann
Former Research Assistant
husemann@informatik.uni-hamburg.de | |
Fax | +49-40-42883-2328 |
WWW | http://vsis-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~husemann |
Research Profile
- Grid Data Computing
- Dynamic Data Integration
- Transactional Control in Dynamic Environments
Own Theses
![]() | Diploma Thesis
Supervisor: Jernej Kovse |
2010 | ![]() |
In: Datenbank-Spektrum |
In: IEEE Transactions on Services Computing | ||
2009 |
In: Second International Conference on Data Management in Grid and P2P Systems (Globe 2009) | |
In: Second International Workshop on Resource Discovery (RED 2009) - Revised Papers | ||
2008 |
In: The Third International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2008) | |
2007 |
In: 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2007), November 5-9, 2007, Auckland, New Zealand | |
In: 2007 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2007), July 9-13, 2007, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA | ||
In: Datenbank-Spektrum | ||
2005 |
In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS05), USA, INSTICC Press, 2005 | |
2004 | Martin Husemann, Denis Rathig, Norbert Ritter
In: PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation |
Supervised Theses 10 of 28 (+ more)all of 28 (- less)
2009 | Diploma Thesis of Stefan Fink
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Diploma Thesis of Dominik Off
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2008 | ![]() | Diploma Thesis of Lukasz Palys
Diploma Thesis of Daniel Bredfeldt
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Diploma Thesis of Christoph Pöhlsen
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2007 | Diploma Thesis of Robertino Solanas
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Diploma Thesis of Uwe König
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Diploma Thesis of Martin Oltersdorf
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2006 | Diploma Thesis of Alexander Kune
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Diploma Thesis of Christian Jabbusch
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Diploma Thesis of Sören Fandrich
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Diploma Thesis of Jorge Homann
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Bacc. Thesis of Marc Bode
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2005 | Diploma Thesis of Stefan Conrad
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Diploma Thesis of René Grohmann
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Study Thesis of Uwe König
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Diploma Thesis of Michael von Riegen
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Diploma Thesis of Marcus Schulz
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Bacc. Thesis of Claas Altschaffel
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2004 | Diploma Thesis of Norbert Frank, Falko Nuppnau
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Diploma Thesis of Savas Cetin
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Diploma Thesis of Christian Dreyer
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Diploma Thesis of Denis Rathig
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Bacc. Thesis of Tihomir Magdic
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Bacc. Thesis of Henrik Niklaus
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Bacc. Thesis of Markus Czerwik
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Bacc. Thesis of Nils Weber
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Bacc. Thesis of Bernd Felbinger
Internal Lectures 10 of 59 (+ more)all of 59 (- less)
Seminar Transaktionen und Workflows (WS 2008/2009) |
21.10.2008 Organisation und Themenvergabe |
06.01.2009 Prozess-Orchestrierungen |
Seminar Informationsintegration (SS 2008) |
01.04.2008 Einführungsveranstaltung |
Übungen Datenbanken und Informationssysteme (SS 2008) |
01.04.2008 DB2 Einführung |
01.04.2008 Einführung |
08.04.2008 Relationale DB-Anwendungen |
22.04.2008 Hibernate |
06.05.2008 Synchronisation |
20.05.2008 Logging und Recovery |
24.06.2008 Verteilte Transaktionen |
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Projekt Autonome Datenbanksysteme (WS 2007/2008) |
22.10.2007 Projekt-Einführung |
22.10.2007 DB2-Einführung |
29.10.2007 DB2-Administration Teil 1 |
05.11.2007 DB2-Administration Teil 2 |
12.11.2007 Vorstellung SQL-Erweiterungen |
12.11.2007 JavaEE Einführung |
26.11.2007 DB2 Performance: Monitoring, Tablespaces, Bufferpools |
03.12.2007 DB2 Performance: Memory Management |
10.12.2007 DB2 Performance: Anfragebearbeitung |
17.12.2007 DB2 Performance: Operation&Monitoring Utilities |
07.01.2008 Aufgabenstellung: Analysephase |
Projekt DB-basierte, mobile Systeme (WS 2006/2007) |
23.10.2006 |
30.10.2006 |
06.11.2006 |
13.11.2006 |
20.11.2006 |
27.11.2006 |
04.12.2006 |
11.12.2006 |
18.12.2006 |
08.01.2007 |
15.01.2007 |
22.01.2007 |
29.01.2007 |
05.02.2007 |
Seminar Grid Computing - ausgewählte Aspekte (SS 2006) |
04.04.2006 Einführungsveranstaltung |
Projekt Realisierung verteilter mobiler Systeme (SS 2006) |
03.04.2006 Einführungsveranstaltung |
Oberseminar Verteilte Systeme und Informationssysteme (WS 2005/2006) |
12.01.2006 TracG-Projektbericht |
Projekt DB-basierte, mobile Systeme (WS 2005/2006) |
24.10.2005 Einführungsveranstaltung |
Oberseminar Verteilte Systeme und Informationssysteme (SS 2005) |
26.05.2005 Grid Data Computing Projektbericht |
Seminar Neue DV-Paradigmen (SS 2005) |
05.04.2005 Einführungsveranstaltung |
Praktikum Internet-Werkzeuge (SS 2005) |
04.05.2005 PHP und MySQL |
11.05.2005 JSP und Taglibs |
01.06.2005 XML und RSS |
08.06.2005 XSLT |
13.07.2005 Abschlussveranstaltung |
Projekt DB-basierte, mobile Systeme (WS 2004/2005) |
25.10.2004 Ausgabe Aufgabenblatt 1 |
08.11.2004 Ausgabe Aufgabenblatt 2 |
22.11.2004 Ausgabe Aufgabenblatt 3 |
13.12.2004 Ausgabe Aufgabenblatt 4 |
10.01.2005 Ausgabe Aufgabenblatt 5 |
31.01.2005 Abschlussveranstaltung |
Oberseminar Verteilte Systeme und Informationssysteme (WS 2004/2005) |
16.12.2004 Grid-Data-Computing Projektbericht |
Oberseminar Verteilte Systeme und Informationssysteme (SS 2004) |
17.06.2004 Grid Data Computing |
Praktikum Internet-Werkzeuge (SS 2004) |
14.04.2004 HTML Forms |
19.05.2004 Servlets und JDBC |
26.05.2004 XML und RSS |
16.06.2004 AWT und Swing |
Oberseminar Verteilte Systeme und Informationssysteme (WS 2003/2004) |
30.10.2003 Konzeption und Realisierung eines intuitiven CWM-basierten SQL-Editors |
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12:35:00) | projects_25 (2013-05-24 13:07:00) | projects_26 (2013-08-08 12:47:00) | projects_27 (2024-10-08 11:46:39) | projects_28 (2013-05-24 13:07:00) | projects_29 (2013-05-24 13:07:00) | projects_33 (2013-05-24 13:07:00) | projects_34 (2013-05-24 13:07:00) | projects_35 (2011-05-19 18:12:00) | projects_36 (2009-04-08 12:04:00) | projects_37 (2011-05-18 16:13:00) | projects_38 (2007-07-26 13:19:00) | projects_39 (2011-09-27 15:04:00) | projects_40 (2011-05-19 17:30:00) | projects_41 (2018-07-18 17:52:07) | projects_42 (2011-12-12 16:23:00) | projects_43 (2009-07-20 13:23:00) | projects_44 (2024-10-08 11:52:57) | projects_45 (2013-06-19 19:15:00) | projects_48 (2015-08-16 11:47:37) | projects_49 (2024-10-08 11:46:39) | projects_50 (2016-01-06 14:36:34) | projects_51 (2013-06-14 16:38:00) | projects_52 (2013-06-17 17:23:00) | projects_53 (2022-09-11 14:53:34) | projects_54 (2015-07-09 12:11:52) | projects_55 (2014-10-20 18:51:00) | projects_56 (2015-05-29 15:04:01) | projects_57 (2022-09-11 14:53:34) | projects_60 (2019-07-09 13:46:03) | projects_62 (2017-08-08 08:43:06) | projects_63 (2017-04-24 15:11:16) | projects_64 (2024-10-08 11:20:19) | projects_65 (2020-04-15 14:36:48) | projects_66 (2021-02-27 04:03:24) | projects_67 (2021-03-25 14:26:01) | projects_68 (2021-05-20 15:19:36) | person2project_242_33 (2011-05-18 16:01:03) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | person2project_311_33 (2011-05-18 16:01:03) | persons_311 (2013-09-19 15:14:00) | person2project_242_34 (2011-05-18 16:01:21) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | textFragments_en_119 (2004-12-16 19:26:00) | textFragments_en_119 (2004-12-16 19:26:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_535 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_267 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_228 (2007-04-20 03:01:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_260 (2005-09-08 15:07:00) | persons_261 (2005-06-22 16:58:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_311 (2013-09-19 15:14:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_311 (2013-09-19 15:14:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_228 (2007-04-20 03:01:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_311 (2013-09-19 15:14:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_311 (2013-09-19 15:14:00) | persons_938 (2009-07-21 23:34:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_179 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_178 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_179 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_255 (2005-06-22 16:55:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_178 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_255 (2005-06-22 16:55:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_241 (2005-06-22 16:58:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_241 (2005-06-22 16:58:00) | persons_255 (2005-06-22 16:55:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_264 (2005-01-17 13:50:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_264 (2005-01-17 13:50:00) | persons_991 (2007-09-12 16:28:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_267 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_267 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_255 (2005-06-22 16:55:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_268 (2007-11-06 17:46:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_269 (2007-12-03 14:04:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_270 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_604 (2009-08-28 16:21:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_603 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_266 (2005-03-10 17:16:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_266 (2005-03-10 17:16:00) | persons_617 (2005-06-22 16:55:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_265 (2005-02-24 20:24:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_265 (2005-02-24 20:24:00) | persons_174 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_312 (2007-03-26 19:25:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_311 (2013-09-19 15:14:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_311 (2013-09-19 15:14:00) | persons_255 (2005-06-22 16:55:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_313 (2005-06-22 16:55:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_313 (2005-06-22 16:55:00) | persons_174 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_630 (2011-11-03 15:07:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_172 (2010-11-08 20:17:00) | persons_630 (2011-11-03 15:07:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_732 (2006-04-26 11:38:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_732 (2006-04-26 11:38:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_172 (2010-11-08 20:17:00) | persons_732 (2006-04-26 11:38:00) | persons_233 (2010-01-18 09:34:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_732 (2006-04-26 11:38:00) | persons_233 (2010-01-18 09:34:00) | persons_172 (2010-11-08 20:17:00) | persons_734 (2006-01-17 13:26:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_734 (2006-01-17 13:26:00) | persons_255 (2005-06-22 16:55:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_702 (2006-07-16 02:19:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_702 (2006-07-16 02:19:00) | persons_255 (2005-06-22 16:55:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_319 (2006-05-10 15:44:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_319 (2006-05-10 15:44:00) | persons_255 (2005-06-22 16:55:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_185 (2007-03-26 19:07:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_185 (2007-03-26 19:07:00) | persons_255 (2005-06-22 16:55:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_312 (2007-03-26 19:25:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_312 (2007-03-26 19:25:00) | persons_991 (2007-09-12 16:28:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_738 (2006-05-09 17:03:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_172 (2010-11-08 20:17:00) | persons_738 (2006-05-09 17:03:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_346 (2007-12-18 17:40:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_346 (2007-12-18 17:40:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_837 (2009-01-06 16:03:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_837 (2009-01-06 16:03:00) | persons_255 (2005-06-22 16:55:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_932 (2008-04-09 13:46:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_932 (2008-04-09 13:46:00) | persons_991 (2007-09-12 16:28:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_938 (2009-07-21 23:34:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_311 (2013-09-19 15:14:00) | persons_938 (2009-07-21 23:34:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_938 (2009-07-21 23:34:00) | persons_991 (2007-09-12 16:28:00) | persons_311 (2013-09-19 15:14:00) | persons_938 (2009-07-21 23:34:00) | persons_991 (2007-09-12 16:28:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_843 (2009-01-06 16:03:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_843 (2009-01-06 16:03:00) | persons_617 (2005-06-22 16:55:00) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_931 (2009-02-11 13:57:00) | persons_209 (2012-11-12 19:32:00) | persons_209 (2016-01-14 14:53:31) | persons_209 (2022-09-11 14:26:08) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_931 (2009-02-11 13:57:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06) | persons_242 (2009-03-10 15:59:00) | persons_4 (2004-12-16 19:22:00) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:55:09) | persons_4 (2015-10-09 23:56:22) | persons_4 (2016-01-14 14:48:32) | persons_4 (2019-12-20 17:54:41) | persons_4 (2021-08-23 15:46:06)
8. October 2024 at 11:52 by Prof. Dr. Winfried LamersdorfCALL getCollectionFull('members/look','vsis',242,0)