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AutorenMichael Merz, Kay Müller-Jones, Winfried Lamersdorf
TitelAgents, Services, and Markets: How do they integrate?
Publiziert inICDP96, 27. Feb. - 1. Mar. 1996
ZusammenfassungAgent-oriented programming (AOP) is a client/server paradigm that currently gains increasing attention. Recently emerging AOP platforms claim to provide suitable technical support for the implementation of electronic market (EM) systems. EM systems allow both demanders and suppliers of services and goods in worldwide communication networks to cooperate freely based on electronic contracting and clearing services. This paper first argues that an open system infrastructure to support the ,,right" programming paradigm is a necessary but not sufficient condition for fostering dynamic proliferation of EMs: Another important requirement is organizational openess of client and server cooperations. The COSM (Common Open Service Market) infrastructure aims at a system support for such applications. It was designed and implemented to realize flexible means for accessing remote services dynamically in evolving electronic markets. The paper then shows how the COSM infrastructure can be extended by AOP concepts in order to provide an adequate open systems platform to support highly flexible service offer and access. Keywords: Mobile agents, agent oriented programming, electronic markets, client/server communication, open distributed systems
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