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AutorenStefan Müller-Wilken, Frank Wienberg, Winfried Lamersdorf
TitelOn Integrating Mobile Devices Into A Workflow Management Scenario
Publiziert inProc. 11th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2000)
EditorA. M. Tjoa, R. R. Wagner, A. Al-Zobaidie
VerlagIEEE Computer Society Los Alamitos, Californien
DatumOktober 2000
ZusammenfassungWhile the desire to gain full access to stationary information sources (e.g. the company´s backoffice database) from abroad is only natural, inherent design limitations such as a lack of computational power, extremely limited resources and closedness to modifications, let mobile system integration be still a difficult issue. In contrast to other approaches to the field, the ``Java Border Service Architecture'' introduced in this article does not require modifications to the mobile device´s system software or the application environment to be accessed from the mobile system.
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