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AutorenMartin Husemann, Michael von Riegen, Norbert Ritter
TitelTransactional Coordination of Dynamic Processes in Service-Oriented Environments
Publiziert in2007 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2007), July 9-13, 2007, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
VerlagIEEE Computer Society Los Alamitos, CA, USA
DatumJuli 2007
ZusammenfassungService-oriented environments facilitate dynamic processes whose properties can be altered during runtime. The transactional support of such processes holds specific requirements that are not completely covered by existing specifications. In this paper, we introduce a life cycle model for transactional dynamic processes and analyze existing specifications with respect to their potentials to support such a model. Subsequently, we propose a framework resolving the weaknesses of existing specifications and allowing comprehensive transactional coordination of dynamic processes.
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