Autoren | Lars Braubach, Alexander Pokahr, Daniel Moldt, Andreas Bartelt, Winfried Lamersdorf |
Titel | Tool-Supported Interpreter-Based User Interface Architecture for Ubiquitous Computing |
Publiziert in | Interactive Systems - Design, Specification, and Verification |
Editor | P. Forbrig, Q. Limbourg, B. Urban, J. Vanderdonckt |
Verlag | Springer Heidelberg |
Medium | LNCS Band 2545 |
Datum | Dezember 2002 |
Seiten | 89--103 |
Zusammenfassung | With the upcoming era of Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp) new demands on software engineering will arise. Fundamental needs for constructing user interfaces (UIs) in the context of UbiComp were iden- tified and the subsumed results of a survey with special focus on model based user interface development environments (MB-UIDEs) are pre- sented in this paper. It can be stated, that none of the examined sys- tems is suitable for all the needs. Therefore a new architecture based on the Arch model is proposed, that supports the special UbiComp re- quirements. This layered architecture provides the desired flexibility with respect to different implementation techniques and UI modalities. It was implemented in a user interface development environment called Vesuf. Its usability was approved within the Global Info project [20], where heterogeneous services had to be integrated in a web portal. |
Dokument | ![]() |
Andere Formate | Din 1501 |
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