Fifth International Workshop on Modelling of Objects, Components, and Agents (MOCA'09)

a co-located event of MATES 2009 and CLIMA-X 2009 in Hamburg, Germany, September 11, 2009

organized by the
"Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science" Group
at the University of Hamburg

Contact e-mail: moca09_at_informatik_dot_uni-hamburg_dot_de


Modelling is THE central task in informatics. Models are used to capture, analyse, understand, discuss, evaluate, specify, design, simulate, validate, test, verify and implement systems. Modelling needs an adequate repertoire of concepts, formalisms, languages, techniques and tools. This enables addressing distributed, concurrent and complex systems.

Objects, components, and agents are fundamental units to organise models. They are also fundamental concepts of the modelling process. Even though software engineers intensively use models based on these fundamental units, and models are the subjects of theoretical research, the relations and potential mutual enhancements between theoretical and practical models have not been sufficiently investigated. There is still the need for better modelling languages, standards and tools. Important research areas are for example UML, BPEL, Petri nets, process algebras, or different kinds of logics. Application areas like business processes, (Web) services, production processes, organisation of systems, communication, cooperation, cooperation, ubiquity, mobility etc. will support the domain dependent modelling perspectives.

Therefore, the workshop addresses all relations between theoretical foundations of models on the one hand and objects, components, and agents on the other hand with respect to modelling in general. The intention is to gather research and application directions to have a lively mutual exchange of ideas, knowledge, viewpoints, and experiences.

The multiple perspectives on modelling and models in informatics are most welcome, since the presentation of them will lead to intensive discussions. Also the way objects, components, and agents are use to build architectures / general system structures and executing units / general system behaviours will provide new ideas for other areas. Therefore, we invite a wide variety of contributions, which will be reviewed by the PC-members who reflect important areas and perspectives for the Modelling of Objects, Components, and Agents (MOCA).

For further information on MOCA'09 have a look at the MOCA main workshop page
MOCA main workshop page


Important Dates (CLIMA X) Submissions:
29th June 2009
16th July 2009
10th August 2009
9-11th Sept. 2009
Post-proceedings submission:
15th Nov. 2009
Post-proceedings notification:
7th February 2010
Post-proceedings camera-ready:
20th February 2010


Creator: Lars Braubach on 2009/01/28 13:59
Copyright (C) 2009 - University of Hamburg (Impressum)
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