CLIMA X Organizing committee
- Jürgen Dix, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
- Michael Fisher, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
- Peter Novák, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
CLIMA Steering Committee
- Jürgen Dix, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
- Michael Fisher, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
- João Leite, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Francesca Toni, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
- Fariba Sadri, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
- Ken Satoh, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
- Paolo Torroni, University of Bologna, Italy
Programme Commitee
Natasha Alechina (Nottingham, UK)
Jose Julio Alferes (Lisbon, PT)
Rafael Bordini (Durham, UK)
Gerhard Brewka (Leipzig, DE)
Keith Clark (Imperial, UK)
Stefania Costantini (L'Aquila, IT)
Mehdi Dastani (Utrecht, NL)
Louise Dennis (Liverpool, UK)
Chiara Ghidini (Trento, IT)
James Harland (RMIT, AUS)
Hisashi Hayashi (Toshiba, JP)
Koen Hindriks (Delft, NL)
Wiebe van der Hoek (Liverpool, UK)
Katsumi Inoue (NII, JP)
Wojtek Jamroga (Clausthal, DE)
Viviana Mascardi (Genoa, IT)
Paola Mello (Bologna, IT)
John-Jules Meyer (Utrecht, NL)
Leora Morgenstern (Stanford, USA)
Naoyuki Nide (Nara, JP)
Mehmet Orgun (Macquarie, AUS)
Maurice Pagnucco (NSW, AUS)
Jeremy Pitt (Imperial, UK)
Enrico Pontelli (New Mexico, USA)
Chiaki Sakama (Wakayama, JP)
Renate Schmidt (Manchester, UK)
Tran Cao Son (New Mexico, USA)
Kostas Stathis (RHUL, UK)
Michael Thielscher (Dresden, DE)
Marina de Vos (Bath, UK)
Cees Witteveen (Delft, NL)
on 04/06/2009 at 23:09