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in Proceeding
AuthorsGabriel Orsini, Dirk Bade, Winfried Lamersdorf
TitleContext-Aware Computation Offloading for Mobile Cloud Computing: Requirements Analysis, Survey and Design Guideline
Published inThe 10th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications (FNC 2015) / The 12th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC 2015) / Affiliated Workshops, August 17-20, 2015, Belfort, France
Published inProcedia Computer Science
MediumProcedia Computer Science
DateAugust 2015
AbstractAlong with the rise of mobile handheld devices the resource demands of respective applications grow as well. However, mobile devices are still and will always be limited related to performance (e.g., computation, storage and battery life), context adaptation (e.g., intermittent connectivity, scalability and heterogeneity) and security aspects. A prominent solution to overcome these limitations is the so-called computation offloading, which is the focus of mobile cloud computing (MCC). However, current approaches fail to address the complexity that results from quickly and constantly changing context conditions in mobile user scenarios and hence developing effective and efficient MCC applications is still challenging. Therefore, this paper first presents a list of requirements for MCC applications together with a survey and classification of current solutions. Furthermore, it provides a design guideline for the selection of suitable concepts for different classes of common cloud-augmented mobile applications. Finally, it presents open issues that developers and researchers should be aware of when designing their MCC-approach.
Other formats Din 1501
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