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AutorenMarko Boger, Frank Wienberg, Winfried Lamersdorf
TitelDejay: Unifying Concurrency and Distribution to Achieve a Distributed Java
Publiziert inProc. 29th International Conference on "Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems" (TOOLS´99), Nancy, France
EditorR Mitchell, A. C. Wills, J. Bosch, B. Meyer
VerlagIEEE Computer Society Press Los Alamitos, CA/USA
DatumJuni 1999
ZusammenfassungIn the development of distributed programs two different concepts have to be considered, each being quite complex even on its own: concurrency and distribution. For both similar problems like synchronization and communication need to be addressed, yet are treated with completely different mechanisms. This paper presents Dejay, a programming language that unifies concurrency and distribution into the single mechanism of virtual processors. This allows a considerable simplification for the development of distributed or concurrent programs and makes the transition from a local to a distributed environment seamless.
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