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FCALL getCollectionFull('publications/lookpub','vsys',256,0)

AutorenLars Braubach, Winfried Lamersdorf, Zoran Milosevic, Alexander Pokahr
TitelPolicy-Rich Multi-Agent Support for E-Health Applications
Publiziert inChallenges of Expanding Internet: E-Commerce, E-Business, and E-Government: 5th IFIP conference on e-Commerce, e-Business, and e-Government (I3E 2005)
EditorM. Funabashi, A. Grzech
VerlagSpringer Science + Business Media, New York, USA
OrganisationIFIP WG 6.11
DatumOktober 2005
ZusammenfassungModern hospital environments represent fairly complex, distributed, and crossorganisational enterprises with a variety of complex and distributed systems applications. They include, for example, a multitude of resources at different places, they have to accommodate real-time requirements, and they have to support rather complicated and, in many cases, unforeseeable workflow (“business”) processes. Many of these processes have to strictly follow certain sets of rules and restrictions, and both process and resource usage have to be dynamically optimized to guarantee the best possible service to all patients at all times. In addition, they have to carefully respect a set of dynamically changing application restrictions and requirements. This paper discusses how recent distributed computing solutions – based on state-of-the art agent technology – can be used to support provision of better quality care for patients and more efficient health service delivery to health professionals. In particular, options are considered for applying results of our ongoing research in the areas of multi-agent systems and policy modelling to address a set of practically relevant requirements in the e-health domain.
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