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AutorMarko Boger
TitelMapping Object-Oriented Languages to CORBA
Publiziert inTrends in Distributed Systems 96 (TREVS'96)
ZusammenfassungCORBA is the most common middleware for distributed computing. One of the major goals of CORBA is to make differernt OO-languages interoperable. A service can universally be offered via CORBA, the decision which language will be used to implement a service can be left to the implementors: if a mapping to this lanugage exists, CORBA takes care of the interoperability. There exist mappings for C, C++ and Smalltalk. Mappings to other OO-languages like Eiffel, Sather, Python or Beta are still to be defined. The process necessary for mapping a language to CORBA and the difficulties encountered are described in this paper. As a reference example this paper examines the mapping of Eiffel to CORBA.
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