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in Proceeding
AuthorsChristian Zirpins, Winfried Lamersdorf, Toby Baier
TitleFlexible Coordination of Service Interaction Patterns
Published inProceedings 2nd International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC04), November 15-18, 2004, New York City, NY, USA
EditorM. Aioello, M. Aoyama F. Curbera, M. Papazoglou
PublisherPress ACM
MediumNumber Order No. 104045
DateNovember 2004
AbstractService-oriented computing is meant to support loose relation-ships between organisations: Collaboration procedures on the application-level translate to interaction processes via Web Ser-vices. Service composition deals with the specification and en-forcement of such processes. Its main focus is on service orches-tration where workflow management is utilised for proactive coordination. In such an approach, coordination process and in-teraction logic are usually captured in the same workflow – which leads to deficiencies in recognising the possible impact of opera-tional coordination on the interaction logic. In this paper, we claim that the choice of coordination alternatives impacts the quality of the composed service and has to be customised to each specific service case. As a consequence, we outline a solution that is based on service interaction patterns where the paradigms of patterns and idioms are applied to interaction procedures and orchestration processes. This allows studying a) reusable interac-tion patterns typical for service relationships and b) for each pat-tern a range of possible coordination idioms. Finally, we sketch a technique that refines the service logic based on analysis of its interaction patterns and utilisation of suitable coordination idioms selected by rules in terms of changing service context.
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