Databases and Information Systems SS 19



The module DIS requires comprehension of the content presented in the module GDB (most recently held in winter term 18/19 in german)! All DIS participants are advised to catch up on the subject matter on their own, if necessary. Some of the essentials are explained in the book

and in the document

Requirements to obtain a certificate (Übungsschein)

As part of the exercise courses, nine exercise sheets are going to be issued. To obtain a certificate (Übungsschein), the following requirements have to be fulfilled:

  1. Attendance is obligatory: In compliance with the examination regulations (Prüfungsordnung), a student may be absent without a valid excuse on at most one occasion. An absence request has to be sent to the respective tutor (preferably via email) before the date of the planned absence. In case of absence caused by an illness, the submission of a medical certificate is required. A tutor may assign extra tasks to compensate for longer excused absence.
  2. Successful and timely submission: All but one exercise sheets have to be submitted and approved on time. What exactly is required for an approval, depends on the specification of the task. For theoretical tasks, 50% of the maximum points are required in any case.
  3. Teamwork: All participants work in groups of two, submitting one common solution. Attempted fraud may lead to the reduction of points or, in severe cases, even to the denial or withdrawal of the certificate (Übungsschein).
  4. Active participation: An active participation in the exercises through presentation of solutions and through discussions is also required. Refusal to participate actively may lead to the reduction of points.


Lecture slides

Chapter Material
00. Course Information and Outline (1 slide per page )
01. Architecture of Database Systems (1 slide per page , 2 slides per page , 3 slides per page )
Härder: DBMS Architecture - The Layer Model and its Evolution
02. Transactions - Correctness (1 slide per page , 2 slides per page , 3 slides per page )
03. Concurrency Control I (1 slide per page , 2 slides per page , 3 slides per page )
04. Concurrency Control II (1 slide per page , 2 slides per page , 3 slides per page )
05. Logging and Recovery (1 slide per page , 2 slides per page , 3 slides per page )
06. Distributed Transactions (1 slide per page , 2 slides per page , 3 slides per page )
07. NoSQL (1 slide per page )
08. Data Warehouse - Introduction (1 slide per page )
09. Data Warehouse - Architecture (1 slide per page )
10. Data Warehouse - Multi-dimensional Data Modeling and Operations (1 slide per page )
11. Data Mining (1 slide per page )
12. Uncertain Databases - Introduction (1 slide per page )
13. Uncertain Databases - Representation Systems (1 slide per page )
14. Uncertain Databases - Querying (1 slide per page )
15. Uncertain Databases - Schema Design (1 slide per page )
16. Similarity Search in Multi Media Databases (1 slide per page )
Exam: Preview (1 slide per page )
Mock Exam (Exam , Solution )

Exercise Courses

Exercise Sheet Slides Material Release date Due date
1 sheet 1 Introduction ,
DB2 introduction
-- 09.04.2019 --
2 sheet 2 Relational DB applications ,
example project 09.04.2019 08.05.2019
3 sheet 3 Hibernate ,
30.04.2019 15.05.2019
4 sheet 4 Synchronisation DB2 student manual 14.05.2019 22.05.2019
5 sheet 5 Logging and recovery 21.05.2019 05.06.2019
6 sheet 6 , (240 MB) , (3 MB) , ,

MongoDB Java API v3.6 MongoDB v3.6 (Win) ,
MongoDB v3.6 (OSX) ,
MongoDB v3.6 (Linux)
04.06.2019 26.06.2019
7 sheet 7 Data warehousing ,
As an alternative to DB2, a local Apache Derby or H2 can also be used (necessary schema / data: DIS_07_Schema.sql )
18.06.2019 10.07.2019
8 sheet 8 Data mining
25.06.2019 10.07.2019

Other Materials


Written exams

Date Time Room (De-)Registration possible until
1 Tue, 06.08.2019 09.30-11.30 ESA A+B Sat, 03.08.2019
2 Mon, 23.09.2019 09.30-11.30 HS A, Chemie Fri, 20.09.2019
Obtained from the website of the Academic Office Informatics.