
Flower Power for Android

... an open source library for Parrot's Flower Power sensor platform. It is 100% pure Java.


This site does not currently host a ready-to-use library. But we're working on that. Up to now, please use the official Flower Power for Android Github page at


Release Notes

The first public release is a beta release and will contain bugs. You use it at your own risk.

It is currently not really a library. It ships as an example application which you can use as a basis for your own apps. BUT, with ongoing development, the API will surely be changed when adding new features or refactoring old ones. Please keep that in mind.

We currently havn't decided about a licence under which this library will be released, but it will probably be GPL or Apache.


28.04.2014 First public release.




Tutorial (soon to come)
FAQ (nothing asked yet)
Class Diagram