Sometimes, when you start the drone, an exception is thrown and displayed in the console:
com.shigeodayo.ardrone.navdata.NavDataException: Magic must be correct : expected 1432778632, was 1432778633
at com.shigeodayo.ardrone.navdata.NavDataParser.requireEquals(
at com.shigeodayo.ardrone.navdata.NavDataParser.parseNavData(
at Source)
You can ignore this exception !
Navdata packets may contain kind of a versioning information: that's the magic. This is a series of bytes (0x55667788) indicating which header version is used by the drone. Recently, the header version has been updated (I think because a new field has been introduced, some say it's now 68 bytes instead of 64 bytes).
Nevertheless, YADrone checks this header version (0x55667788, in decimal it's 1432778632) and if a wrong version has been detected (e.g. 0x55667789, that's 1432778633) it throws an exception.
The new version does not seem to influence the way YADrone parses the header, hence for now it is of no importance.